Wednesday, 29 June 2011

I've been remiss

Oh, Dear Internet, where does the time go?

I was going to post yesterday, I had it all planned, but then I decided to take a quick nap first. And woke up at midnight.

In addition to having missed my intended blogging, I also missed a friend's band that was playing in town. Sucksorious. Bad friend alert. . .

On a completely random note, I did get around to doing my fingernails, a couple of nights ago.

not so awesome . . .

Toes are easy - you make a big mess, and then fix it in the shower the next day. Fingernails are stupidly difficult. Especially if you suddenly have to go to the washroom while the polish is drying. . . Wheee. In a few minutes, I will be (for the third time) attempting to fix this mess. At least it's only three nails this time. I think it's due to the fact that you never don't need to be using your hands for something. I'm a genius, right? 

<crickets chirp> 


And now, for something completely different! Random fact about me, your humble blogger: I eat my apples kinda funny. I always, sometimes consciously and sometimes not, end up with a kind of sine wave in my apple. Look!

wheee! though, it might
be a cosine wave. . .

I never said I wasn't an enormous nerd :)

And now for the more interesting part of this post - I have two (count them, two!) new bakings to share with you in the very near future. I need to go to bed now (because obviously something needs to be fixed in my circadian rhythm), but I'll leave you with a little taste of what's to come.

awwww :(  sad not-quite-strawberries

That's right - one of these recipes will include strawberries. Though, luckily, the companions of these guys were rather less pathetic.

Quarter teaspoon?? Hah!

And the second recipe uses rather more cinnamon than the original required. Cause I loves me some cinnamon (seriously - I have eaten some straight from the jar, and chewed a stick left over from hot cider. The boyfriend thinks this is crazy, but I don't see why). In addition to the baked goods, I still need to upload my hike photos to share with you, so that's three whole new posts coming your way, sometime in the near future! Awesome!!

If you're paying attention (and what are the odds?), you'll notice that the quality of the photos still isn't so stellar. Partly from the fact that it's hard to take pictures of things your doing while you're doing them, and partly because camera phones aren't too amazing. I might have my actual camera back, but with no cable, I can't share any photos I took. So I opted for convenience over quality. Not that my photos will be much better when I start using the real camera. . .

I have a crazy-busy weekend lined up (yay long weekend!!), so I can't guarantee exactly when these new posts will be emerging, but I hope to have them all up by the end of the weekend - especially once I've found my camera cable in the mire that is the boyfriend's cave of an apartment. I hope you have a marvelous July long weekend, Dear Internet! I'm certainly looking forward to sleeping in (that is, getting up at 8 instead of 5:30. . . AM. . .), and maybe even having a nice nap in my hammock. If the weather co-operates.

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