Monday 4 July 2011

This week, in baking. . . part 2

If you think back to sometime this past week, you'll remember me talking about all the tasty foods I was making. You saw the loveliness that was thick, chewy granola bars, and now I'll share with you a really lovely strawberry quick bread that takes beautiful advantage of the excess of perfect (and local) strawberries we buy too much of at this time of year. There were suddenly two, yes two whole pints of excess strawberries sitting around in the fridge slowly subsiding into sad mediocrity. Because, as lovely as fresh strawberries are, you can only have so many before you groan and bloat with the pleasure of it. Well, that's my experience, anyway.

I got the recipe from this cookbook.

great cookbook - awesome cause!

The Stop is a food bank here in my lovely city, and they do more than just provide food for those that need it. They also have community gardens where they teach people about growing food, as well as how to choose the most nutritious options available. And they have school programs teaching kids about food - where it comes from, how it's made, as well as food prep. Buy a copy! Buy 20!! You must have people in your life who like good cookbooks, Dear Internet.

where it all began

what a lovely little strawberry!

ummmm. . . not so lovely. poor mutant

smash!! smassshhh!!!!

when you smash them, they get liquidy!


mixing in the eggs

action shot!!

dry ingredients!

I'd like to take a moment to make you all aware of something - baking soda and baking powder do not keep indefinitely. Which made itself known in this recipe. So either use up your soda and powder really quickly (I know I do my best on this front), or buy in as small a quantity as possible. You'll see why in a minute.

milky goodness

adding the cooked smashed berries

which makes the batter baby pink.
slightly disturbing. . .

tins are filled and ready to bake


You might not be able to tell from this photo, because I took it specifically to hide the fact that these loaves didn't rise properly, but the loaves they didn't rise properly. Poop. The baking soda and baking powder didn't do their job. Unsurprisingly, as I'd just gotten to the end of the baking powder. Ah well, it still tasted veeeerrrryy nice.

Just goes to show you, looks ain't everything.

They matter (not that much though - don't be shallow, Dear Internet!), don't get me wrong, but sometimes it's just not that important. Especially with tasty tasty baked goods.

Okay, Dear Internet, I'm very tired and I need to go to beddybies. See? Veeery tired. . . I hope you have a good sleep and sweet dreams my friend.

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